On Saturday, April 10 at 10:30am EST (9:30am CST), Parent University will host another fun and educational virtual session. Classes will include:
• Is Your MONEY controlling you? Or are you ConTROLLING your MonEy?
• Get Your Credit in Check… Don't Panic… Repair.
• An Introduction to the Steps on the Path to Home Ownership
• “A Taste of Bonanza”
Sign-up in advance for this meeting here: https://zoom.us/.../tJAvdeitrD4pGt3fNtpcBaz-TSonBCdelfqe
You will then receive a confirmation email containing the link, Meeting ID, Passcode, and other information to join the meeting.
You may join the event at 10:00am to reconnect and share. Your attendance will automatically enter you into our drawings! Attendees who are new or joining virtually for the first time will receive a $10 gift card for completing our annual registration form. Be sure to invite friends and family!!