
Shelter from the Rain

Shelter From the Rain, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) non-profit, based out of Savannah, Georgia, that provides assistance to single mothers. Established in 2010, SFTR is designed to show how God's love shelters us from the different rain showers that come into our lives.


The Savannah Economic Development Authority (SEDA) compiled an extensive list of engagement and employment opportunities for youth aged 12 - 18.

From camps to mentorship and leadership opportunities, there is something for everyone.

Click Here to view the list of opportunities and how you can get involved.





Self Compassion for Parents


For more free webinars on Self-Compassion and more, visit the Chatham County Safety Net Planning Council website.



Celebrities Read Aloud to Kids

StorylineOnline is a YouTube channel where celebrities like Oprah Winfrey, Chrissy Metz, Kristen Bell, Wanda Sykes, Sarah Silverman, and many more read stories that your children will love. Each video also has moving illustrations from the book to keep your children even more entertained.



Resources for Families of Students with Disabilities

Free resources of all kinds for your differently-abled little ones can be found here. has put together lists of book recommendations, sorted into categories like, “Books that Explore Feelings” and “Books to Boost Reading Comprehension.” Visit this link to see for yourself!

Books for Students of All Ages